Buy Bryan Talbot original artwork

Buy Bryan Talbot original artwork

This is the only place you can buy original Bryan Talbot artwork - except from Bryan in person at a convention.

The Legend of Luther Arkwright

The Legend of Luther Arkwright collates all details about Bryan's latest graphic novel.

The Legend of Luther Arkwright page collates all details about Bryan's latest graphic novel.

Heart of Empire - Directors Cut

Buy the Heart of Empire Directors Cut


This labour of love from Bryan and myself contains every single page of Heart of Empire in pencil, ink and final full colour format - as well as over 60,000 words of annotation, commentary and explanation from Bryan... - as well as the whole of the Adventures of Luther Arkwright!



Or see the Heart of Empire Directors Cut page for more details.

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social media

Follow the Bryan Talbot fanpage on FacebookJoin the Facebook group for Bryan Talbot fans for lots of discussions and special offers announced on Facebook first.


Follow the Bryan Talbot fanpage on TwitterThe Bryan Talbot fanpage is also on Twitter - so give us a follow and join in the conversation!


Bryan Talbot fanpage on InstagramWe are also on Instagram: give us a like and a follow.


The Bryan Talbot fanpage on RedditWe've also just launched a Bryan Talbot fanpage subreddit.


Bryan Talbot t-shirts

Also see the Bryan Talbot t-shirt shop! - we've got a vast array of Bryan's images on lots of different t-shirts, as well as other items like mugs and fine art prints: - but if there's anything else you'd like just let us know on Twitter or at the Facebook group.

The Grandville Annotations

The annotations for Grandville Force Majeure by Bryan Talbot

Bryan and myself have created a series of annotations for the Grandville graphic novel series, explaining references and homages to other works, how the pages are drawn, inked, coloured and put together.

All of the annotations are now complete and online for:

- Grandville

- Grandville Mon Amour

- Grandville Bête Noire

- Grandville Noël

- Grandville Force Majeure

This is the new version of the Bryan Talbot fanpage
But the whole of the original Bryan Talbot fanpage is still online.

Links to other sites of interest

As ever, the heart of the success of the web is links: so - here is my collection of links to other sites that might be of interest. It's therefore a pretty personal and eclectic collection, but hey - it's my site so I get to add what I want!

I check these links frequently, but they do go to other sites over which I have no control, so if any are duds let me know. Also, none of these links will open in new windows; why? - cos' we HATES new windows! If you would like a link from this page then contact me and let me know first where you have linked to this site from...

Bryan’s wife Mary, scripter of Dotter of Her Father’s Eyes, now has a website. You can see some sample pages from Dotter there:

Most Thursday nights you can find me at the Role Players Guild Birmingham, trying to roll a critical hit and kill that dragon!

Bryan (very nicely) asked me why I didn't have a link to Marv Wolfman's site: because you never asked me! - was the reply.

As ever, I firmly subscribe to the "it's my ball and if I don't get to play with it then I am taking it home" school of web design, and so I am going to take this chance to link to my personal blog of: James Robertson: online marketing expert.

Warren Ellis has written a review of The Adventures of Luther Arkwright at the Artbomb site that I urge you to go away and read right now. Warren also gave an interview where he replied to the question:

Q: A strange end. Right now, alien spaceships appear from nowhere obscuring the sky of your town. There is no time, you have to run and leave your home. Can take with you only 3 comics, 3 music CDs, 3 movies, 3 novels. Which ones, and why, are you going to save from destruction?

A: From Hell [by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell], The Adventures of Luther Arkwright [by Bryan Talbot], Alec: The King Canute Crowd [by Eddie Campbell]. The latter two are huge influences, the former is Alan's masterpiece...

Check out the Wizards Keep: the online lair of Tim Perkins.

If you want to get the best in lingerie, sex toys, vibrators,  bondage gear and all types of marital aides then check out Love 2 Lust!

An excellent site run by a very good friend of mine!